
bracelets blogcoconut chocolate sweet treat dessertphotoshop classblog photoshop workshopblog photshop

canvas tote bagflower decoration fashion bloggers blog workshopfashion gifI went to a two-day blogging and branding workshop last week called Bloguettes and it was a blast! I learned sooo much about branding and photoshop, and it really inspired me to liven up my blog! You’ve probably noticed my new blog design and logo, and if you’re signed up for my newsletter (if you’re not, you can sign up at the top right of the page in the sidebar), you will be pleasantly surprised with the changes I’ve made! I’m also working on tons of new tutorials and tips with the amazing things I learned at Bloguettes.

The workshop was at the cutest venue, A Bloom Salon, which was a great place to help the students stay in a creative mood. It was focused mostly on blogging, but can really apply to any business that is looking to have an impressive online presence. I had always been afraid of photoshop because of how overwhelming the hundreds of features are, but Bloguettes not only taught me how to use the most important ones, but helped me apply them to blogging and use them as great tools to make my blog better for my readers! We got to eat the yummiest lunches from Chopshop, got awesome gift bags, and I was able to meet (and re-meet) some awesome bloggers: Wear I’m Going, The Sun Kissed Stylist (she also has a t-shirt company, Majtees), The Boww, and so many more cute bloggers and business owners!

Basically, Bloguettes was probably the most productive two days of learning I’ve ever had! I’m so excited to try their mini workshops-if they’re anything like the branding workshop, I know I’ll learn a ton! If you’re looking to take your brand or blog to the next level, this is definitely the first step necessary to do so! The Bloguettes girls are in Mexico City and Phoenix, and they’re expanding to more cities soon so book your seat before they’re all taken!

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