Product Review: Boots Beauty No7 at Walgreens
Boots No7 Beautiful Skin
Boots No7 Photo Fix
Looking for Sentenac House Interior Design? ⟶
Boots No7 Beautiful Skin
Boots No7 Photo Fix
I got a chance to try out one of the biggest names in nail polish right now-Butter London. You’ve probably seen them everywhere-especially all over Instagram. I like a natural look on my nails, so this color is perfect for that. It’s pretty sheer, so it’s nice to be able to choose whether you want…
I’ve been experimenting with natural deodorants for the last 8 months or so. I’ve been on the natural deodorant train since 2017, but had always settled for Toms and then upgraded to Necessaire and tried out Native. None were amazing…so I got recommendations on Instagram, bought them all, and here we are!
Coconut oil has been the latest and greatest trend for a while now – celebrities use it and people swear by it. Over the past 8 or so months I’ve been researching and incorporating coconut oil into almost every part of my daily life and I’ve seen huge changes both internally and externally.
I posted my Revlon Blow Dryer on my Instagram story a few weeks ago and people went nuts asking me about it and my blow dry routine! Seriously…look at these comments LOL.
Spring means that it’s time to switch out the heavy moisturizers and vampy colors to some lighter, brighter products!! This Spring is all about brights, so ditch all your pastel beauty products because we are doing pinks and blues!
My favorite lip color is undeniably red-orange. It’s good for all year round and adds a feminine edgy pop! Trying a new color is a little intimidating with so many brands and types to choose from. So I’ve consolidated my favorites by category so that you can make an educated decision on your red-orange lipstick…